Electronics Area – Electrical and Electronics Tutorials and Circuits
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Electrical and Electronics Tutorials and Circuits
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Automatic Water Level Controler Circuit
This circuit ensures that an elevated tank always has enough amount of water. Perfect for 2 or more stories buildings or houses
4 Amp Variable Power Supply Using the LM317
This variable power supply using an LM317 and a boost transistor can be useful when we need more current than the 1.5 amps that an LM317 can provide.
Capacitors in Series – Capacitors in Parallel
Capacitors in series – Capacitors in parallel. How to obtain the equivalent capacitance of series capacitors and parallel capacitors? Formulas and examples
Temperature Alarm using thermostats
Temperature Alarm using thermostats
This simple alarm with thermostats circuit can be used on places where we must detect overheating. It uses 3 thermostats, and a one 2 contact, relay
Series/Parallel Resistor Reduction
Series/Parallel Resistor Reduction. Resistors reduction can be done, making some simplifications using resistors in series and resistors in parallel formulas.
Inverting Summing Amplifier using Op Amp
The inverting summing amplifier using op amp outputs a voltage equal to the sum of the voltages it has in its inputs. The explanation is based on an adder of three inputs, but applies to an adder of any number of inputs
Electrolytic Capacitor
The Electrolytic Capacitor has been developed to achieve large capacities in small physical dimensions. To achieve this large capacity, a special dielectric is used.
Automatic Night Light with 555 and relay
This automatic night light using 555 IC turns on lights when there is no daylight. The circuit is perfect for lighting single places such as the garden, the front door of the house, the entrance to the garage, etc.
Millman’s Theorem – Millman’s equivalent circuit
Millman’s theorem is used to directly obtain the voltage between the ends of a parallel branch circuit. Equivalent Millman circuit Formulas, example.
Window comparator using op amps
Window comparator using op amps A window comparator lets you know if a signal is within or outside a previously defined acceptable voltage limits.
Electronic sound control Circuit (applause)
This electronic sound control circuit works like a sound activated relay and can activate or deactivate a device connected to it, by two consecutive claps.
Push – Pull Amplifier – Push – Pull Amplifier Operation
Push – Pull Amplifier
A Push – Pull amplifier is called that way, because it uses 2 groups of transistors and only one works at a time. One group pushes in one direction while the other pulls in another direction. Each group is responsible for amplifying a single phase of the input wave.