Electronics Area – Electrical and Electronics Tutorials and Circuits


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Recent posts

What is a Phototransistor? – Phototransistor Equivalent Circuit

A phototransistor is essentially the same as a common transistor, but it can work in two different ways:

– As a common transistor, using the base current (IB)
– As a phototransistor, using the light that illuminates this element and that acts as the base current. (IP).

Fridge Door Alarm Circuit

Refrigerator door alarm circuit with two 555 timers

This refrigerator door alarm circuit alerts you when the door has been left open. Very important, because the power consumption increases when this happends. It uses the popular 555 timer IC

2 LED Temperature Change Indicator with LM35 & 741

This circuit shows us, by means of two LEDs, when the sensed temperature is above or below a set limit. When the temperature is above the pre-set temperature level, LED D1 will light up and if it is below, LED D2 will light up.

Zener diode – Basic Operation – Applications

The Zener diode is a special type of diode that allows the flow of current on the opposite direction of the arrow of the diode. This diode does not conduct until the applied voltage reaches or is greater of the breakdown voltage. Zener diode is very popular as Voltage reference element.

Water level controller circuit using CD4001

This water level controller circuit controls the water level in a tank. Unlike mechanical controls that use a floating buoy, this circuit uses two sensors, an upper sensor and a lower sensor

Fuel Pump Cut-off Circuit

Fuel Pump Cut-off Circuit

Fuel pump cut-off circuit for the car prevents the activation of the pump. Useful to increase the security level of a car which already has an alarm installed