Controller Circuits and Projects (temp., liquid level, motor speed)


Controller Circuits and Projects

Water level controller circuit using CD4001

This water level controller circuit controls the water level in a tank. Unlike mechanical controls that use a floating buoy, this circuit uses two sensors, an upper sensor and a lower sensor

Differential Temperature Controller (PCB)

This circuit measures the temperature difference between 2 sensors and activates a relay when they are different. It is also possible to detect a temperature change, even when the two measured temperatures are normally different.

Heat control using thermistor and TRIAC

This circuit is designed to control the temperature of a room, either by using a heat source, such as an electric oven heater, or by using a fan or other cooling device.

DC Motor Speed Control with 4049

This DC motor speed controller allows you to vary the speed of small 3 or 6 volt DC motors often found in toys or small electronic devices.