Electronics Area – Electrical and Electronics Tutorials and Circuits


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Combinational Circuit

A combinational circuit is a circuit where the output depends only on the combination of the inputs at the time we are testing the output

Sequential Circuit – Digital Logic

A sequential circuit is a circuit where there are one or more feed backs from one or more outputs. The new output depend on the inputs and the last output

Logic AND Gate – AND Truth Table

The logic AND gate is one of the simplest gates in Digital Electronics. The output of an AND gate is true (“1”) only when all inputs are true (“1”). If one or more inputs are false (“0”), then the output is false (“0”).

OR and AND logic gates made with diodes

Diode Logic OR gate (wired OR connection) and Diode Logic AND gate (wired AND connection). Diode Logic uses the fact that diodes conduct only in one direction. (they behave like switches)

XOR Logic Gate

In digital electronics there are special gates. One of them is the XOR logic gate or exclusive OR gate. Equivalent XOR Logic Gate using common logic gates

Op Amp Voltage follower / Voltage Buffer

Op-amp voltage follower (op-amp voltage buffer). A buffer has an output that is exactly like the input. This feature is very useful for solving impedance matching problems.

Transformer Structure

Electric Power Transformer Structure. All electric transformers, have three fundamentals parts: high voltage winding, low voltage winding and Core.


An autotransformer is a transformer where a part of the winding belongs to both the primary and secondary windings of the transformer. The operating principle is the same as the conventional transformer.

Impedance matching Transformer

An impedance matching transformer is used to couple an antenna to a transmission and / or reception equipment. It was widely used in the coupling of the antenna to the analog television, by radio amateurs

Clock signal generator using 7400 IC (PCB)

Clock signal generator using 7400 IC. This clock generator is an astable circuit which uses the TTL 7400 (four 2 inputs NAND gates) integrated circuit. Suggested Printed Circuit Board (PCB)