Timer Circuits and Projects – 555 Timer


Timer Circuits and Projects

Automatic Night Light with 555 and relay

This automatic night light using 555 IC turns on lights when there is no daylight. The circuit is perfect for lighting single places such as the garden, the front door of the house, the entrance to the garage, etc.

High current pulse generator

High current pulse generator using a 555 timer and a voltage regulator. This circuit can be useful for DC Motor control. Light control, etc.

Long Duration Timer with NOR Gates (CD4001)

Long Duration Timer with NOR Gates (CD4001)

Long duration timer or long delay time with NOR gates. This very simple circuit allows us to turn off the TV or radio in the event that we fall asleep

Event Sequencer Using 555 Timer

Event Sequencer Using 555 Timer

This event sequencing circuit uses several 555 timer to control an event sequence, where an event does not start if the previous event has not ended.

Time Delay circuit using Triac and 555 timer

Time Delay circuit using Triac and 555 timer

This Time delay Circuit using Triac and 555 Timer is very useful when we want to activate or switch on, appliances or devices that works on alternating current (AC), after a preset time.

Missing pulse detector circuit using the 555 timer

Missing pulse detector circuit or No pulse detector circuit.

This circuit is very interesting because it can detect or warn of the absence or delay of an expected pulse, which under normal conditions should be received at predefined intervals.

Sound Activated Flash trigger using 555 and LM386

With this sound activated flash circuit, you can achieve incredible pictures of the most unexpected moments.

Pictures like a water balloon that just burst and the water still floats in the air, or when an object of any type explodes.

ON-OFF Switch circuit using a 555 timer (PCB)

This ON-OFF Switch circuit using a 555 timer is simple, useful and easy to implement.

This circuit has many applications on places where it is necessary to activate and deactivate (connect and disconnect) an electrical or electronic device.

Electronic Doorbell Circuit using a 555 and CD4017

Electronic Doorbell Circuit using a 555 timer and a CD4017 decade counter

Electronic Doorbell circuit that lets know that someone is at the door. Made with 555 timer and 4017 decade counter allowing to change the tone of each note

5 to 30 Minute Timer Circuit using 7555 IC

5 to 30 Minute Timer Circuit using 7555 IC

This 5 to 30 minute timer circuit achieves times ranging from 5-30 minutes using the 7555 integrated circuit (CMOS version of the popular 555 timer).