Voltage sources, whether batteries, generators, etc., are not ideal (perfect). A real voltage source is composed of an ideal voltage source in series with a resistance called internal resistance.
Current Limiter circuit for Power Supply using transistor & resistor
Current Limiter circuit for a Power Supply using a transistor and a resistor.
If the load current exceeds its maximum, an over current protection is needed
Power Supply – Block Diagram (AC – DC conversion process)
Many electronic circuits need a direct current (DC) voltage source, but what we commonly find are voltage sources of alternating current (AC). In order to achieve a direct current voltage source, the alternating current input must follow a conversion process.
Transformerless Power Supply circuit
This circuit is designed to be connected to a specific circuit because it can give a maximum and minimum possible electric current
Transistorized Voltage Regulator (Zener & Transistor)
Explanation of a transistorized voltage regulator. Zener diode and transistor voltage regulator circuit diagram
Zener diode Voltage regulator Circuit Design – Diagram
Design method. Determination of the voltage, power of the zener diode and of the limiting resistor Rs
Voltage Regulators – Linear, Switching
Voltage regulators (linear, switching) provide a stable and fixed voltage output to give energy to electronics circuits from an unregulated power source
Types of Cells / Batteries
Types of cells / batteries. Primary batteries (non-rechargeable): Dry, mercury, alkaline. Secondary batteries (rechargeable): Nickel-Cadmium Alkaline, Lead
How does a battery work?
The electric current is a flow of electrons that flow through a conductor cable. Electrons are negatively charged, and like two magnets that we want to put together, negative side with negative side or positive side with positive side, they repel.